Romance Lives...Alabama Stud Gives His Auburn Girl A Promise Ring At The Jewelry Stand Of Wal Mart On Valentine's Day

This couple was engaged tonight at the Wal-Mart in Saraland, Alabama at about 9 p.m. tonight. Please share so they can have their pictures, I was with my mother at the time! Did not catch their names!

First of all, little correction to the reporter’s initial story, it was just a promise ring. The lovely couple is NOT engaged. Although it’s only a matter of time at this point right? After a Valentine’s Day display like this? I mean I’m trying to rack my brain and think of the last time I saw something this romantic and I’m drawing a blank. Maybe The Notebook? Other than that I don’t think anything even comes close. An Alabama fan walking his Auburn girlfriend into the Saraland Wal Mart, marching straight up to the jewelry section and planting a bouquet of roses in one hand and a promise ring right on the other. Holy shit. I don’t care what you did on Sunday, you didn’t top that.

Contrary to popular reports, romance is NOT dead, I repeat, romance is alive and well.

h/t Busted Coverage

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