Does This Look Like The Face Of A Man Who Got Sued For Teabagging His Female Trainer At Tennessee Against Her Will?

USATODAYYou’re a sports fan, so you want to believe. You want to believe so badly in this guy, this one particular guy, the player you’re cheering for on Sunday afternoon from your family room. You just know he is one of the good guys. You sit there with your son or your daughter and you watch and you tell them that that quarterback is one terrific human being. You’re thinking Boy Scout. You’d love your son to grow up to be just like him. Or so you thought. All right, so if you were really paying attention, you may remember that back at Tennessee in 1996, when Manning already was an all-SEC quarterback, there was that mooning incident, but, hey, you’d say, can’t the lady take a joke? Manning said he meant to drop his pants to show his rear end to another male athlete, not the female trainer. Then came the lawsuit. (How could there not be a lawsuit?) And the court documents. And the explicit details about the 1996 training room incident from Naughright’s attorney that, if correct, show that Manning’s definition of a mooning and your definition of a mooning are two entirely different things. Naughright’s attorney says his client, doing her job, was crouching behind Manning to determine why he was having pain in one of his feet when “entirely unprovoked, Peyton Manning decided to pull down his shorts and sit on Dr. Naughright’s head and face.” Court documents add graphic body-part details, which we shall omit because you certainly can get the picture. All right, you say, but this is Peyton Manning, the Boy Scout, and it’s just another one of those he-said, she-said stories, right? Well, not exactly. Add another “he” to the equation — on her side. The court record includes a letter to Manning from former Tennessee cross country runner Malcolm Saxon, who Manning said was the intended target of the so-called mooning. “Bro, you have tons of class,” Saxon’s letter says, “but you have shown no mercy or grace to this lady who was on her knees seeing if you had a stress fracture. … You might as well maintain some dignity and admit to what happened. … Your celebrity doesn’t mean you can treat folks that way.”

Somebody sent me this link the other day.  Yeah I know it’s old as fuck, but how is it possible that I’d never heard of this before? It’s almost reminds me of Kobe with the rape thing. Like it just got swept under the rug even though it’s a very serious allegation. But all you ever hear about is what a classy guy Peyton Manning is and how great he is. How he never does anything wrong. Yet here he is dropping his dick on a chicks face without warning.  And make no mistake about it. I’m sure this isn’t the only time Peyton pulled the unprovoked teabag move either. I mean when you’re as rich and famous and disgusting looking like as he is, you think you can mollest chicks even if they want no part of you and get away with it. Trust me I try it all the time, but I never claimed to be an angel. Saywhat you want about Tom Brady, but at least he doesn’t have to force chicks to lick his balls. They do it willingly and so would I.      So next time you here some media member gushing on and on about what a great person Peyton Manning is feel free to bring up the time he sat on his trainers face.

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