This Hooker Complaining About A Client Who Came Too Quick Seems Awfully Demanding


I’m not experienced in the realm of the sex trade on the client or sales side so maybe I’m being naive or not in touch with how girls slanging that Hot Pocket around view the world. And I definitely hated this chick and her wise old Native American man voice along with these lofty standards for a dude who sounds as though he was literally paying just to use a human being as a Fleshlight. But I guess maybe we should applaud her for somehow doing this thing she enjoys and (unbelievably) making a profitable living off of it? I feel like I’ve read all this stuff about the sex trade and how awful it is and I’m sure that’s the case 99% of the time. But this chick is basically treating hooking like a dating app and getting paid for it along with I’m sure very high quality lingerie gifts. Overly demanding, not necessarily the hottest, possibly way too old to be taking loads for cash but damn if she’s not making it work for her life. Admirable as far as such things go.


Also fuck this guy and his quick cumming boomerang dick. One stroke during a blowjob and he’s about to get off? That might be a bit of an extreme but I’d prefer that to “Chafing the fuck out of your dick jerking off while a girl looks on impatiently but trying to keep a sexy face because her lips went numb trying to blow someone for the length of an entire episode of Seinfeld” life. I’m sure there’s a happy medium somewhere in there but for now I’d err on the side of efficiency.


(h/t Flyheight)

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