Country Singer Jake Owen Told An Insane Story About Jordan Spieth Calling His Shot


First things first, should I know who Jake Owen is?  Because I have no clue who that person is. I’m a white guy from Iowa who grew up with farms and farmers and cornfields for hundreds of miles in every direction so I should like country music but I absolutely hate it. I can’t stand it. All I listen to on a regular basis is hip hop and Jack Johnson. That’s it. I like what I like. The only time I listen to country music is when I wanna get really drunk. It’s good drinking music. That’s all it’s good for. Or at a party cause chicks LOVE country music. So my apologies to Jake Owen for not having a clue who he is.


Anyyyyyyyway. What a story! These are the stories a professional athlete like Jordan Spieth needs surrounding him. I don’t even care if the story is true or not, although I think it is true. Every professional athlete at the top of their respective sport needs a mythology about them. It’s what takes them from being great to being a legend. Michael Jordan is the perfect example. We all know his accomplishments on the basketball court. He won a trillion titles, a trillion MVPs and a trillion Finals MVPs. But then there are hundreds and maybe thousands of great stories about MJ. Card game stories, golfing stories, casino stories, etc etc. Stories about how he’s just as much of a polarizing figure away from the sport that made him famous. Well Spieth yelling, “Pay up!” as the ball is still in the air is one of those stories. Great story.




PS- That was the perfect opportunity for Spieth to say, “I’m just out here #SnappinNecksAndCashinChecks.” Even though he has no idea what that hashtag is and has no idea I exist. But it was the perfect opportunity.

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