Delmon Young Arrested For Strangling And Threatening To Kill A Valet During Ethnic Slur-Ridden Outburst

Delmon Young was up to Delmon Young things last night in Miami. Here’s the full story:

Young allegedly grabbed a valet attendant by the neck at the Viceroy hotel in Miami after he wouldn’t open a door with access to a club.

“Stupid Cuban, open the fucking door,” Young allegedly told the victim. After repeatedly telling Young he couldn’t open the door because the club was closed, Young said “I’m gonna fucking kill you, you Latin piece of shit” and then reached over the valet podium and grabbed the victim around his neck with both hands, strangling him, the police report states.

The victim said he was able to break away from Young’s hands. Young then fled but was later met by police at his residence, which is also at the Viceroy. Police say Young answered the door naked from his waist down. According to police, Young said he didn’t know anything about the incident, but was identified by the victim.

Young told the cop on scene after he was placed under arrest, “I’ll slap you in the face with money you fucking Cuban,” the report says.

Police charged Young on one count of battery. He bonded out early Monday afternoon.

Delmon Young is a piece of shit. But we knew that already because of his last arrest back in April of 2012, when he was arrested for a hate crime. Young, under the influence of alcohol, yelled, “You fucking Jews!” at a man in New York City, who was wearing a Star of David and a Yarmulke. Oh, and then he got into a fight with a group of tourists after that, and tackled one of them to the ground. Great guy.

If this were any other player in baseball, this would be a bizarre story. Since it’s Delmon Young, sadly, this isn’t surprising at all. However, with all the strangling, death threats and ethnic slurs going on in this report, they tried to sneak that little detail in there at the end about how Young answered the door half naked when the police showed up. Dude was just rocking out with his cock out? I can understand if you’re just chilling with no pants on at your place when no one’s around, but if someone knocks at the door, especially if it’s the friggin’ POLICE, how fucked up do you have to be to still answer the door with your dick out and a t-shirt on? The answer to that question is extremely fucked up, which is why I totally believe him when he claimed to have no recollection of the incident.

PS – I can totally picture Portnoy using that “I’ll slap you in the face with money” line from now on.

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