New Hampshire Primary Notes: Jeb Has To Beg For Applause And Hillary Clinton Is In Ted Wells' Pocket




As if the Bush campaign hasn’t been depressing enough, Jeb had to beg for applause in New Hampshire. That’s not an exaggeration, he literally pleaded for applause. I don’t know where you go from here, my friends. The guy has been pushed around the ring by Donald Trump at every debate. If the campaign trail was a middle school then Jeb has been pantsed, wedgied, swirlied, nuggeted, and pinned down while Donald grabs Jeb’s own hand and starts smacking him in the face with it.


Somehow, it’s gotten sadder. When you’ve got to ask your supporters to give you a round of applause it’s time to take your ball and go home. A joke falling flat is one thing, your mission statement as leader of the free world not being good enough to attract its own affection is another.



However, there is some good news for republicans. Thanks to some brilliant politicking, they’ve outed Hillary as a lady who lays in bed with snakes.


(TheHIll) Hillary Clinton has taken nearly $250,000 in political donations from the lawyers who investigated the “Deflategate” controversy involving the New England Patriots. Now Republicans are piling on, hoping Clinton’s ties to the lawyers will turn off Patriots fans ahead of New Hampshire’s Feb. 9 primary. The communications director of Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group is a Patriots fan and plans to use his megaphone to inform New Hampshire voters of Clinton’s “disgrace.”   “If Hillary Clinton wants to convince New Hampshire voters that she shares their values, taking a quarter of a million dollars in campaign cash from Ted Wells and his law firm isn’t the way to go about it,” said Ian Prior. Clinton, who trails Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire, received at least $222,891 from employees of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP through the end of 2015.  Clinton has also received the maximum donation of $2,700 from the firm’s attorney Ted Wells, who led the controversial investigation into the Patriots and quarterback Tom Brady. 



THAT’S HOW IT’S DONE, GOP! That’s how you do politics! Dig up that dirty dirt and show it to the people. Hillary has accepted 250k from those fucking rats over at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison? She’s accepted the max donation from Ted Wells? Off with her head! Sometimes you need to turn down cash in order to preserve your integrity, Hillary, like when the American Breast Cancer Foundation said no thank you to PornHub. That’s what honorable people do. They don’t accept campaign funds from lying, devious snakes who are guns for hire and will find whatever verdict you want. Let me guess, Wells says you didn’t delete any emails, doesn’t he? Disgusting. Just disgusting. I hope 2016 is the first time in forever New England goes Red and it’s all your fault for taking this blood money.

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