Kam Chancellor's Hand Is Still Fucked Up From That Frigid Wild Card Game Against The Vikings

Jesus, Kameron. That is some wretched shit. There are not many things worse in this world than cracked iguana skin that nothing can fix. I mean CTE and 90% of the injuries that NFL players incur during their line of work are worse. But for you and I, the common people of this world, there is not much worse.

But the people I really feel bad for in all this are the Vikings players.  I guarantee their skin is peeling and their bones are all sorts of fucked up after taking a loss in that battle on the frozen tundra of Gopher TCF Bank Stadium. At least Chancellor and the Seahawks got to make it to the next round. All Minnesota got was front row seats to Blair Walsh’s missed field goal. That’s why shit is going to be rough for Walsh unless he can win a Super Bowl with the Vikings.  Every time a Viking looks at his freak hand full of flaky skin, he is going to think about Walsh shanking that gimme.  And of course the Vine that Walsh made back in 2013 will continue to piss off Vikings players and fans alike while racking up loops until/if that fateful championship ever arrives in Minnesota.


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