#KeepPounding With This Edition Of Top P-hub Comments Of The Week

If it’s Friday, it’s Top Pornhub Comments of the Week. A time when even though you may or may not enjoy a good ol’ #FingerInTheBootyAssBitch from time to time, at least you can rest assured that you’re not the weirdest person on the internet. Because there are people who comment on internet porn and make us all look normal as fuck in comparison. So thank you to the freaks, and let’s get to it.

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Sometimes you really don’t know how lucky you have it to be straight. Like not having to deal with a hurt ass all the time. Can’t take that for granted. Respect to the gays on that one for having to deal with that.

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Okay I don’t know if this is weird or not but just imagine how hot Lois Griffin would be if she were voiced by Mila Kunis.

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A pussy that u can see thru snow pants sounds pretty fucking AGGRESSIVE. But to each his own, I guess.

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Have to imagine this is from our good pal Ked Woodley. 100% looks like a porn guy.

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Here is where Black Twitter would insert infinite amounts of skull emojis and crying laughter emojis. But I think that porn cinematography is definitely an avenue that Michael J Fox should explore going down. Camera work is shaky enough as is.

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It would be a crime against Stoolies everywhere if I didn’t clue you in on AndyAXaphichith’s famous pancake recipe. Let me know how it goes and good luck with not ending up with a hot dog up your ass.

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Truer words have never been spoken.

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And that concludes this week in freaks. Thanks a lot for stopping by and as always, feel free to send any comments you come across to @BarstoolJordie on Twitter. Hope you perverts have yourselves a weekend and make sure to stay sexy out there.

Some quick links to send you on your way…

Tony the Tiger begs furries to stop tweeting him porn links

Porn film accidentally shown at funeral service for father


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