So The Key To The Blackhawks Playoff Run Is A Dog Shitting On Patrick Sharp's Lawn?


(Source) “You’re looking at Ivy, the Blackhawks good lIvuck charm!! Ever since Sharp moved into our neighborhood, Ivy has been pooping in his yard and they’ve been winning. We don’t walk by his house everyday but when we do, she almost always takes care of business. The 2 times that she passed it up were followed by Hawks losses. Admittedly, I was a little remiss last week and look what happened… However, Saturday, Sunday and Monday she was 3 for 3 and the Hawks won both games. She has a small following on my FB page…just thought I’d share with you guys as well. Rest assured, I will make sure she’s 2 for 2 on the #2 the next 2 dayfs. And yes, I always pick up after her. GO BLACKHAWKS!!”


I think its happened, we’re officially there. Dogs with facebook followings. Hundreds of likes on a picture of an animal taking a shit. We’ve gone full retard. We’re there. And don’t get me wrong, I want Ivy to keep pooping on Sharp’s lawn. I need that to happen. It’s beyond dumb, and I recognize that. I mean I look like a legitimate pedophile with my mustache right now. People are starting to cross the street when they see me coming. I’ve reached that point where flying anywhere anymore is probably out of the option and I can’t walk my dog within 100 yards of a school. All of that is for some dumb superstition. And that’s the part that kills me. I know it’s so incredibly stupid, to think a dog taking a shit has any effect on a hockey game. I fully understand that. But that doesn’t mean I don’t need it to happen every game now. I hate myself for it, but it is what it is, sport’s fans are morons, I am a moron, and as such I’m going to need to see visual documentation of Ivy pooping every time the Hawks drop the puck, preferably in high resolution so I can verify it’s authenticity.



Underrated super creepy move to stand on the sidewalk, pull out your camera and take a picture of your dog mid-shit right? Feel like that got lost in the shuffle here.

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