Tom Brady Thanks Patriots Fans With A Beautifully Written Letter






The road to the next one is paved with seasons like this one, baby! It used to take me six months to write my birthday notes and Tom Brady is has his out to the fans in 72 hours. What a remarkable human being. It’s even one of the most remarkable letters I’ve ever read, so incredibly touching. Everything about it is perfect: the penmanship (I’m also an all caps writer so you know it’s a sign of remarkable beings), the message, and the stationary. Ohhhh, the stationary. Raised lettering, pale nimbus. Subtle, off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god. Bravo, Tom. And thank YOU. It’s a real treat rooting for such a talented, beautiful, and gracious man every single day.





Also note to Webster’s, time to update your records. This is how “privilege” is spelled now. Privledoo, or something like that. That’s how it’s spelled forever. I will read “white privilege” as “white privledoo” and laugh for the rest of my life. Tom Brady may have just single-handedly set race relations back.


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