Beat Me In NFL Trivia On FanClash Tonight And Win Straight Cash Homie

It’s the week between the playoffs and the Super Bowl which means sadly the NFL season is just about over. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stop winning money. How you ask? This site I’ve been playing on recently called where you compete in live trivia for real money.

Tonight from 7-8 you can play me and a couple other writers in 2015 NFL trivia. It’s only 2 bucks to play and the top 100 scores win money. I think I’m drawing dead in tonight’s as I was too focused on Kirk Cousins to pay attention to what some jabronis in Oakland were doing.

So here’s how it works:

Go to and sign up for the site. That’s the most important part, getting yourself registered for the site itself. Takes your classic 3-4 minutes, like signing up for most sites. Then at 7, you enter the room to play the 2015 NFL Trivia Review. There’s limited spots, so you want to be in there at 7. Then hopefully I win all the money, but more than likely you will.

This is a fun new site and I’m excited to see how I do against the Stoolies tonight. See ya in the battle zone, scrubs.

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