This Girl Has An Insane But Somewhat Genius Reason For Using Tinder That You Could Relate To


I’ll say off the bat that I respect this girl for being up front. Even if she isn’t open to dating and only on Tinder for this ruse, she came clean and was dead honest and that should always be applauded. And if you’re the guy here, I really feel like you’d have to do it. Not only because it’s a solid way to build up some much needed good karma or because it’s pretty flattering she’d entertain you as being hot enough to emasculate another guy. But also because this is EXACTLY what would happen in a sitcom or romantic comedy that leads to two people unexpectedly falling in love. It’s like that show You’re the Worst on FX, just two fucked up people finding a love so perfect in its imperfections that it’s perfect. A beautiful thing all because you helped cuckold some chubby blonde guy.


And hey it’s another week of the Tinder blog. I have to point out: Bumble is blowing up. I get more and more screenshots from there every week, as you’ll see, but even bigger than that DJ Khaled was talking about it on Snapchat the other day. I sincerely hope that’s all momentum for them but if they’re paying DJ Khaled and not me…I would understand but still be hurt. Anyway send me your screenshots on Twitter and let’s get to it before I start plotting dating app extortion plans:


(via RS)



Her points are valid but I don’t need that Buddha belly rubbing my face in it like that (via RP)





Those might be the most unreal abs ever in several different definitions of the word (via RG)




This week’s reminder you wouldn’t bat an eye if you saw a tranny at the Playboy mansion (via Jeph)



God is good (via DOG)




Seafood expert and Red Lobster go together like peanut butter and deep fried bottom feeder shrimp. But still would for the cheddar biscuits (via Blanco)






From what I know about Hawaii entirely based around old episodes of Dog the Bounty Hunter, this seems legit (via Cubert)




I think she means sex stuff but she could mean venereal disease. Still worth the risk (via SG)





If I’m to connect the dots with this gal’s photo and bio, her people are more fun because they also double as a water bed (via JG)



(via GM)



This week’s reminder that #trannies are occasionally easily surprised by simple concepts (via LC)







The added bonus of sticking it to Mark does make hooking up with her even more appealing, can’t deny that  (via Murph)




So the third gender is Prince? Makes sense (via ST)




Not gonna lie to you guys, this one took me a second (via MD)




Such a strong bio/big tit confidence display that I’m almost willing to look past the plaid shirt. Almost. (via RL)




Buffalo Wild Wings coming for Hooters’ ass with girls like this (via AL)




Cleveland Tinder ironically looks a lot like new Browns coach Hue Jackson


(via Corey)



I presume the short hair she’s referring to is on her head (via JB)








Waging war against revenge porn on Tinder seems like an odd and demographically futile move (via TN)




That’s a pretty funny spin on it, good for this girl (via Riggins)



The sad thing is Twitter will start verifying gloryholes before they will Barstool (via Bmac)




More Tinder bios should invoke POV porn I say (via Starlord)




These both sound like things that would be positives for Tinder guys who are our readers (via DC)




They/them Were Mountains (via DLC)




Anyone seeing this pose and complaining about not seeing her face needs to get their priorities in order (via ZS)




Big Cat looking slim here…relatively (via JT)




I hope for this girl’s sake it’s not the guy in the middle. That’d be a rough 19 years, no question (via Kayla)




Come on guys don’t make us look bad, you can’t use Pres in a pic and be a creep to girls on Tinder. You know The Cauldron would blame us for that (via Shan)




I feel like you can’t possibly be a chill bro if you’re posting long missives on Tinder trying to blow dudes. Seems like the opposite of chill brodom to me (via TJ)



Some girls just deserve all the best (via Creamy)



Every girl should have to wear this shirt for their ID photos, really reveals a lot about a woman’s character (via Chello)




Fun Fact: Whole Foods requires all potential employees to recreate American Beauty in glamour shots as a condition of employment (via JD)




This sounds more like Saved by the Bell than college, but sure (via Jeff M)



There’s at least a 10% chance this turns into one of those Dancing Bear videos, someone out there has to try (via Barstool Purdue)



(via DT)



The rule of thumb has always been if you encounter a pageant queen who also makes bukakke jokes, marry that woman immediately (via Shekel)




I thought you people were supposed to be jolly (via AD)




I would be obsessed with her cat too (via MS)



And onto the hot and perhaps a bit NSFWish ones…



(via AD)



Probably fake but the tits, oh the tits (via Smells)




Typical art omitting the only thing people really want to see (via Turtle)




Bumble thigh game stronggggg (via MG)



You know that must be a good ass because I’m still attracted to this girl despite her wearing that stupid fucking hat some girls wear (via Chello)



Who knew Minnesota was capable of this? Proud of you guys (via MH)




As if there was any way an FSU-ASU grad wouldn’t be a 10/10 (via MW)



I say with no exaggeration this is the best thing Staten Island has ever done and will ever do (via LBM)



The fact that you know there are vicious tan lines here and we’ll never get to see them breaks my heart a little (via MS)



(via Faux Sports)



Our government is okay sometimes (via Nick)



This goes out to both of those gals:


(via JG, SLC)


And this week’s NSFW cherry on top comes through from those cheap bastards at Bumble somehow. What a world. Don’t forget to follow me and send me your screenshots, thanks to everyone who sent something in, and happy swiping!

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