Cam Newton Continues To Poison Our Youth As A Baby Is Seen Dabbing On An Ultrasound

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) – Some people become fans of football teams, others are born fans. If a Charlotte woman’s ultrasound is any indication, she’s going to give birth to the world’s newest Panthers fan. Kat McKee and her fiance went to the doctor Tuesday to have an ultrasound on their soon-to-be baby boy, when they got quite the surprise. McKee, who comes from a family of Carolina Panthers fans, says when they saw the images they saw her son, Hagan Lee, dabbing! The pose has been made famous by many high profile people, including Carolina Panthers’ quarterback Cam Newton, who often makes the gesture after a touchdown.



Where does it end, Cam?  Huh? Where? Tell me. First you do an awesome dance and somebody writers an angry letter about how angry they are.  We were all hoping that would put an end to your horrific antics.  But no, then you took a dump on a 12th man flag and personally drove to a hospital and insulted cancer patients.  Somebody wrote an angry letter about that in hopes that it would stop your antics. Nope. You still didn’t stop. A bigger monster these eyes have not seen..  I just have one question, Cam: When will you stop being a horrible influence on our children? Well I guess children weren’t enough because now Cam has moved onto poisoning our unborn children. He’s got them Dabbing in the womb. Makes me sick to my goddamn stomach. The NFL and the world shouldn’t stand for this type of behavior.











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