Pats Vs. Chiefs "Road To SF Begins Today" Live Blog

Let me start by saying I think the Chiefs are good. I think they’d beat both Pittsburgh and Denver. But let me also say this. The Chiefs are totally and completely irrelevant. They really are. If they play their best game and the Pats play their best game the Pats win by at least 2 TD’s. All that matters this game is whether I was right about the Pats for the past 2 months. Is this a light switch game? Have the Pat simply been playing possum for last part of this season? Just waiting patiently to get all our guys back. Not pressing at the end of first halves. Not going for the kill shot when it presents itself. Running the ball even when you know it’s not working. The Pats didn’t care about homefield advantage throughout the playoffs. They’ve just been trying to protect Brady. They’ve been conservative. They’ve been vanilla. All of that changes today. Edelman and Gronk are back together. Brady may throw it 100 times. The ball will be gone before the pass rush can get there. Quick slants and passes. This will open up the running game. Steven Jackson will be a MONSTER in these playoffs because the pass will set up the run. .We will be playing with a lead which will make the Chiefs predictable. The defense won’t be on the field all game anymore and will be back to dominating. All these are things I firmly believe with every fiber of my being. That the Pats are going to turn it on light a light switch and it starts today. It will be a totally different team out there. Back to the team that started the season 10-0. The team that looked like would steam roll to the Superbowl. That’s the Pats who show up today. Revenge. Revenge. Revenge. We’re coming for you Roger. And we’re bringing hell with us.

Prediction – Domination.

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