Donald Trump Has Gone Full Dictator, Complete With Children Singing And Dancing A Theme Song For Him


I don’t really know how else to describe this other than full dictator. Trump just sitting there with a big grin on his face like “yes, yes sing and dance for me little children if you ever want to see your parents again”. It’s so bizarre. And of course it’s just more headlines for him. You got your Jebs and your Rubios fighting and scratching for each point, Trump just continues to smash them in the polls by going completely off the rails. And I’ll tell you what- that song is a banger. I listened to it a few times like oh shit this isn’t half bad until I realized I’m being brain washed without even knowing it. Trump, man.

PS: Sing along everyone!

“Cowardice, are you serious? Apologies for freedom — I can’t handle this! When freedom rings, answer the call!”On your feet, stand up tall! Freedom’s on our shoulders, USA! Enemies of freedom face the music. Come on boys, take them down! President Donald Trump knows how to make America great. Deal from strength or get crushed every time.”

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