With All Due Respect To KFC I Think We All Know What Really Happened To Al Jazeera: Roger Goodell Killed It






I know Kevin is pounding his chest and Jordan memeing as much as he can, and I don’t mean to steal his spotlight, but let me just steal his spotlight for a second. Roger Goodell did this. That’s obvious to everyone, right? You think it’s a coincidence that after years of flawless reporting and dedicated viewers (I have no idea if either of those things are true) that Al Jazeera just goes under? You don’t just overcook a hamburger, folks. No, the most powerful man in American television shut down an American station that dared to accuse his sports most marketed superstar. That should come as no surprise. Roger Goodell acting nefariously should come as no surprise.


This is what Goodell does: he gets what he wants. Need to make up for a perceived weak Spygate punishment? Invent science that says the Patriots deflated footballs. Need to get out of a classic “a lot of our former players are living in hell and killing themselves” situation? Invent science that says CTE doesn’t exist. Are people saying that you ignored a woman getting KO’d in an elevator? Make that tape disappear. Need to stop rumors that your most decorated regular season quarterback took HGH? Remove all credit from the reporting station and shut it down. No one’s going to be calling for an investigation now, not after Al Jazeera went under. Now everyone will just thumb their nose at the report and say, “You still believe that Manning thing? HA! They’re not even a station. They’re lower than the National Enquirer.” But for those enlightened few of us, the ones who have been on the wrong side of a Roger Goodell cover up, we know what happened. He shut it down to protect the shield because he’s full of integrity.

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