Does This Look Like The Face Of A Chick Who Got Drunk And Forgot Where Her Car Was That Had Her Baby In It?

Oregon Live- UPDATED at 10 p.m.: A woman whose blood-alcohol level was more than three times the legal limit was arrested Wednesday after police say she falsely reported her car stolen with her 4-week-old son inside. Terra Nicole Brandenburg, 31, apparently misplaced her SUV after she bought wine at a gas station, said Sgt. Dave Kempas, a West Linn Police Department spokesman. The baby was found unharmed inside the car, as was a 3-year old Doberman Pinscher, he said. Police say that Brandenburg, who who lives in West Linn and Oregon City, had purchased gas at a Fred Meyer in Oregon City and was driving to West Linn when her 2006 BMW sport utility vehicle hit the Oregon City-West Linn Arch Bridge. She pulled the damaged vehicle into an apartment complex across the street from a 76 gas station in West Linn, apparently to use the restroom, Kempas said. She bought a box of wine and left. Brandenburg then went back inside and told a clerk her car had been stolen with her baby inside. She started making calls to family, which the clerk thought was strange, Kempas said. The clerk told Brandenburg to call police, which she did.



Are we all gonna jump down this chick’s throat or are we gonna put all the chips on the table?  Let he who has not lost something while blackout drunk cast the first stone.  Doesn’t matter if it’s debit cards, car keys, wallets, glasses, shoes or cars with a baby inside of it.  We’ve alllllllll lost things when we’re drunk. It’s part of the deal. My debit cards are sprinkled all over the city I live in and all over the country for that matter. I “lose” my debit card so much that the dude at the bank got sassy with me one time. Like me losing my debit card so many times was an affront to his profession. I honestly don’t know how but it just happens. At a certain point I get so drunk and my brain says, “We’re gonna leave behind the one card in your wallet that allows you to buy stuff.” So I get where this chick is coming from.  Some people lose debit cards and other people lose babies. It’s all relative. It’s like that Nick Swardson joke when he’s talking about how if he was sober and someone told him his car was on fire he’d freak out and do something about. Get drunk? Fuck my car. Same thing here. Babies are super important when you’re sober. Drunk? That three-week-old baby can fend for himself.

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