Danny Amendola's Providence Neighbors Are Mad He Build A Carport At His House So He'll Never Be Late To Practice


PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP)New England Patriots wide receiver Danny Amendola is catching grief from his neighbors over a temporary carport. Amendola erected the metal structure behind his 1774 home in Providence’s College Hill Historic District last month so that he can get to practice on time in a snowstorm. Neighbors complain the carport is a blemish on the community’s atmosphere. Amendola declined to comment on the complaints, telling The Associated Press, “I’m not talking about that.” He is renting the home and applied to the city last month for permission to erect the carport for the duration of the season. It is supposed to come down in February. In the meantime, neighbors see an eyesore. “It’s a simple utilitarian structure, but if you had tons of these around the neighborhood, it would significantly detract from the historic quality and aesthetic appearance of the Benefit Street neighborhood,” said Tim More, who has lived on the street for 45 years. Ray Rickman, a former member of the city’s Historic District Commission, says it’s important for area residents to see themselves as stewards of properties that will be there for generations. “Wealthy people like to buy things and have their way,” Rickman said. “Historic districts are fragile.” Still he calls it a “minor sin” that will soon be fixed when the season is over and the carport removed. And he said he is thrilled that Amendola is living down the street. “I hope that he’ll stay. This city needs celebrities,” Rickman said. “I think it’s cool. I think it would cooler if Tom Brady lived here. I would offer to help him shovel his snow.”


I’m not sure I’ve ever done a faster 180 than I did on this Ray Rickman cat from the historical commission. I was getting ready to jump down his throat for giving Amendola grief, but then he says he loves the fact Amendola lives in the neighborhood and he’d help Brady shovel snow. Tough to get mad at a guy who says that. Still I don’t know what everybody is so worked up about though. This has nothing to do with Amendola being wealthy. This has everything to do with him getting to practice on time. Snow is not an excuse. It may be for the 31 other loser franchises in the NFL but not for the Pats. If the neighbors had to form a human Iditarod team with Amendola whipping them and screaming Mush, Mush, Mush to get him to Foxboro on time you gladly do it because it’s the Patriot way.  Do Your Job! You think Belichick cares about the weather? He’s like my old high school baseball coach. “You can’t eat your lunch on the bus and you can’t eat it on the field so I don’t know when you’re gonna eat it, but bring a lunch and figure it out.” Bottomline is winners build carports and have Viva La Stool stickers in their lockers and win superbowls. Losers get stuck in bad weather and make excuses and read the Chive.



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