



Let’s start with this.  I shouldn’t be judging the way anyone looks.  I have the face of a gargoyle and the body of a dinner roll. I should be the last person ever to judge a person on the way they look because my body is a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl.  That’s what happens when you lead a sedentary blog life that also includes lots of alcohol and having Dominos and Jimmy Johns on speed dial. With all of that said, my girl Tara Reid looking like a goddamn skeleton in her bathing suit isn’t a great look for her. I will gladly hand over the phone numbers of Dominos and Jimmy Johns if that’s what it’s gong to take.  Let’s put a little meat on those bones. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen her like this. We’re on a similar roller coaster with Jessica Simpson. One month she’ll look great but then the next month she looks….not great. Same with Tara. I know I’ve had blogs in the past where she looked like a smoke. And I know I’ve had other blogs where it was the opposite. All within the span of two years.


I guess my main thing is that it’s hard to look at her now when we have so many pictures of her looking like this






And it could be argued that Tara is super young in all of those photos and that she’s 40 now but I don’t know.  All I’m saying is come back to us, Tara. We miss you. I know America Pie happened a bazillion years ago but bring that girl back.

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