20,000 People Are Watching A Live Steam Of A Puddle In The UK

News- Thousands of people have tuned in to watch a live stream of a giant puddle in Newcastle. The large pool of water – which blocked a busy bridge crossing – was broadcast live on streaming app Periscope. People were gripped watching pedestrians attempting to cross the puddle without getting wet. Some scampered up onto a nearby wall to stop their feet getting wet, while others opted for a run and jump. Other less sprightly pedestrians had to brave the water and walk through it. Around 20,000 people were watching live at the puddle stream’s peak, at around 3pm on Wednesday afternoon. Even Twitter founder Jack Dorsey got involved, writing: “What a puddle.” As word spread that the puddle had become an online hit, a photograph turned up and snapped away at a man who lay down on a lilo in the puddle. Another person turned up with a slippery floor sign and placed it in the middle of the puddle. At the time of writing, the puddle was still there.


 You can watch the live stream here 




Just when you think the internet can’t do it again, the internet does it again.  20,000 people watching a mother fucking puddle in the UK.  What a world.  People tuning in all over the globe to watch people try and navigate a giant puddle at the foot of a bridge.  I was all set to rip this whole event a new one but you know what?  I kind of love it. Sure we could all do the thing where we say, “We’re so fucked. It’s 2016 and people are watching a live stream of a goddamn puddle. Bah humbug!” but I won’t. Im into it. It’s time we embrace the things that our grandparents and the terrorists hate us for.  Puddle Watch is so simple yet so fascinating.  People trying to get around puddle is actually something I want to watch for some strange reason.  Well clearly it’s not that strage because 20,000+ other people feel the same way.  This also opens the door for other seemingly-pointless-but-oddly-riveting live streams. Try and tell me you wouldn’t watch a live stream of a sheet of ice in a busy part of some town. Watching people fall on their asses. Laughing at other people’s suffering is what the internet is all about and the #DrummondPuddleWatch has swung the door wide open for live streaming other people’s struggles. I couldn’t be happier.


#DrummondPuddleWatch has become a thing of legend. People are even painting pictures of it




“Hey why was productivity down so much today at the office”


Oh everybody and their mother was watching a puddle







Even the dumbass who runs Twitter and wants to make a 10,000 character limit was watching the puddle (don’t do it you fucking moron. Facebook already exists and it’s awful)




Then of course there were the assholes who caused the puddle to jump the shark








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