The Ronda Rousey Comeback Tour Will Continue In the SI Swimsuit Issue

Ronda Rousey is planning a full fledged comeback tour, and none of it revolves around actually fighting. Wouldn’t shock me if she never stepped foot in the octagon again. She wants to be a bonafide main-stream celebrity, a la The Rock. Unfortunately for her, the Rock is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment history, and she’s a a 6.5 and not all that interesting. And they didn’t do her any favors with that ass shot. Like, come on. If this is her big comeback, her big “I’m a hot, bad bitch” you have to give me a better ass shot that than. Don’t get me wrong, her pudding is worth a stir, but don’t try to sell me on her being some drop dead model-hot woman and then give me an ass that doesn’t even affect my blood flow. I guess we’ll see if she can handle SNL hosting duties before completely writing her off, but it’s an uphill climb for sure for her.

PS: I can never read SI again. Makes me feel so unsafe the way they pain women’s bodies like this. @StephLauren, you should be ashamed of yourself. Just ashamed.

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