The Internet Is Sending Thoughts And Prayers To This Dog With A Slice Of Ham On His Face - Mailtime

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118,000 goddam idiots sending Ts and Ps to a dog with ham on his face:


Unreal. Big blow for the Thoughts and Prayers Crowd. Straight up WASTING your thoughts and your prayers on a prank. Now all the other tragedies dont have your Ts and Ps helping them because you filled up your quota. IDIOTS!

We also talk about Christmas Eve Mass and priests on “hoverboards.” We talk about my battle with Al Jazeera fan boys and girls. A little Bill Cosby Is A Serial Rapist talk, strip clubs in Queens, recap 2015, and we take a couple Mailbox questions.

There’s an extra hour of premium content to get your through this day if you’re stuck in the cubes. If you arent premium and you want to sign up, click here to sign up. $1 a month. We take your questions about navigating life at work, having sex with married chicks on cruise ships, being a degenerate and more.

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