Reader Email - Rate How Pathetic Jets Fans Are


Reader Email


I’m with NYC shipping startup wynd and we’re doing something hilarious for tomorrow Jets/Pats game that we think is perfect for you guys.

To show how dedicated we are to NYers, we’re sending a giant box of Real Trash Talk to Pats fans on Sunday before the game.
• We’ve gone to bars in NYC filming New Yorkers talking shit about the Pats, tossing thrash inside the giant box, and writing all types of Cheaters/Deflategate/Brady/Giselle trash talk on the outside of the box
• We’re going to wrapt he box in Pats-themed gift wrapping and a giant ribbon and deliver it as a gift to Pats fans tailgating at MetLife
• Pats fans will open the box and we’re going to capture their reaction to realizing they’re not getting a tailgate present but a bunch of trash and dick jokes.
This will be capture in a 30-second film that we want to give to Barstool.

If there’s interest, please let me know.

Happy to talk to anyone about details

Thanks and happy holidays!


Ohhhh Burn! And I thought Colts fans were pathetic when they announced 10 days before the Pats game they were flying a Deflategate banner over the stadium. This may take the cake. KFC and his band of merry idiots handing out presents filled with trash and meany pants slogans to Pats fans. NO NOT THAT!!!!! I guess the Jets have finally equaled the score. Sure Belichick resigned on a napkin and ruined their franchise. Sure we murdered Fireman Ed. Sure we’ve won a million superbowls. Sure we’re going to knock them out of the playoffs tomorrow and clinch homefield advantage. But at least KFC, Shea Clancy and the rest of these bozos have this prank to hang their hats on. J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS!

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