Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton Got Schlonged By Barack Obama, Can Officially Do Or Say Anything And Get Press






So this is what being on fire looks like right? Donald Trump, Boom Shakalaka, he’s on fiirrrreeee! Just walking around town saying whatever he wants and spinning the meaning afterwards, causing a stir and getting more publicity. It’s insanity, absolutely hilarious to use the word in an official speech, but insanity. I actually can no longer comprehend the phenomenon of Donald Trump.  He’s in the zone, everything he says he can spin as a win, every word that comes out of his mouth, is the perfect word for him. Every time he says something inflammatory or racist the polls go up instead of down. He’s a troll running around the basketball court with fire on his shoes. Dude is leading the Republican party by a million points and is using the word Schlonged in official speeches. And not only did he somehow make it work, he got yet another round of publicity over it. Like if you’re Marco Rubio what do you even do at this point? A real viable politician that should be a GOP superstar and he can’t get a headline because the other guy is saying the word Schlonged in a speech in Michigan. What a fucking world man, what a fucking world.



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