Dude Is Suing The Video Game Developer Of "Fallout 4" Because He Became Addicted To It And Says It Ruined His Life

Yahoo!- It’s always best to game in moderation. A Siberian gamer is suing Fallout 4 creator Bethesda after he claims an addiction to the role-playing game messed with his real life. The 28-year-old says he lost his wife and his job after spending three weeks playing Fallout 4 while skipping work, not sleeping or eating, and ignoring his friends, reports RT. The American Psychological Association doesn’t recognize video game addiction as an official mental disorder, but it’s still a concern for many. Earlier this year, a Chinese gamer died after sitting and playing World of Warcraft for 19 hours straight. “If I knew that this game could have become so addictive, I would have become a lot more wary of it,” read a statement from the gamer, who is now suing Bethesda Game Studios and the Russian localization firm for 500,000 roubles (around $7,000), claiming emotional distress. “I would not have bought it, or I would have left it until I was on holiday or until the New Year holidays,” he continued.



I’m not gonna lie, I wish I was still into video games.  Video games used to be my life.  Played them all the time. Campaigns, online, against my friends, etc.  Now?  Nothing.  Every once in awhile I’ll take to the streets of Liberty City and kill 300 people in my Mafia Sentinel.  But even that doesn’t last. I’ll tell you what though, this guy’s rave reviews of Fallout 4 might be the kick in the ass I need to get back into video games. I’ve never played Fallout but it sounds DOPE.  It’s gotta be pretty great if it ruined a guy’s life.  That’s just a fact. Also, his law suit is the best thing that could’ve happened to the developers of Fallout 4.  This lawsuit means they did their jobs and did it really well. You want your game to be so addictive that people’s lives are crumbling around them.  You want your game to be so addictive that a guy stops paying attention to his wife and friends. You want your game to be so addictive that a guy refuses to sleep or eat. Those are all positives for the video game developer. That’s how you know you’ve made a great game. When you ruin people’s lives.  Halo 1 basically ruined my life and that’s one of then best games ever. We’ll see. Maybe over Christmas through New Years I’ll buy Fallout 4 and ruin my own life. Sounds super fun.

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