Owner Of Rams Head Tavern In Maryland Off To Jail For Taping Women Use The Bathroom


WTOP - The owner of a popular local tavern has been charged for secretly videotaping women as they used the restaurant’s bathroom. Kyle Muehlhauser, 37, was arrested Feb. 19 by Howard County Police on six counts of visual surveillance with prurient intent, according to a news release. He has been released from the Howard County Detention Center on $35,000 bond. The police investigation began in May 2014 when a woman reported to police that she was in the restroom at Rams Head Tavern on Foundry Street in Savage, Maryland when a digital video camera fell onto the floor next to her. Detectives reviewed the footage on the camera’s memory card. It revealed the image of an unknown man placing the camera in the bathroom. Police also saw the images of six unknown woman captured on video.


The human brain is a weird, weird, weird thing. I have seen a lot of things in my day. The internet is full of the weirdest porn ever. Some things that I will never be able to unsee that even typing here makes me dry heave. But at the very bottom of the list of things that turn me on is people using the bathroom. I don’t even like using the bathroom myself, nevermind watching other people do it. Call me prude, but 2 Girls 1 Cup did not do it for me. Didn’t even move a little bit. But here we have Kyle Muehlhauser (allegedly) installing hidden cameras in his bar bathroom so he can watch women do their business. It’s absolutely wild to me. Out of everything that could get him off, that’s it? And he loves it so much he not only had the idea to set up a camera in the bathroom, but to go ahead and install it too. That’s commitment, in the weirdest way possible. I guess he really took it to heart when his parents told him to give 110% in everything he does.

Congrats to the 6 women whose bowel movements turned that guy on. I mean kind of an honor if you’re a glass half-full type of gal.

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