Bron Bron Says He Would Have Jumped Over Jason Day's Wife If She Was Pregnant



CLEVELAND (AP) LeBron James crashed into a courtside seat, accidentally knocking over and injuring PGA champion Jason Day’s wife during the Cavaliers’ win over the Oklahoma City Thunder on Thursday night. Ellie Day was carried from Quicken Loans Arena on a backboard, placed on a stretcher with her head immobilized and taken to MetroHealth Medical Center. James said if she had been pregnant, he would have jumped over the first row of seats.A litte while later, James tweeted: “Ellie Day I hope you’re doing okay! My apologies! Hope u guys come back to another game soon. Love LJ!”


This is peak Lebron James. Claiming that if Ellie Day was pregnant he would have jumped over her but because she wasn’t pregnant he just decided it was okay to steam roll into her and paralyze her. Apparently Lebron gets to play god now? He decides who gets to live and who gets to die? Who he will spare and who will get carted off in a stretcher and be forced do a Mike Utley thumbs up.  And then he has the balls to apologize and say he hopes she’s doing okay after openly admitting he could have avoided this disaster but decided saving a basketball was more important than human life. Just reason 3,949 why he is the most selfish egotistical athlete on the planet.

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