Remember Earlier Today When I Said I Don't Ask For A Lot? Well This Is Awkward Because I Sort Of Need This Miniature Horse

(Source) Before Reading Ahead PLEASE only Serious inquiries only, do not Contact me if you have no knowledge of how to take care of a horse, or do not have adequate land for her to roam… THANK YOU

This is Peggy, Our Miniature Horse and I am Looking for a good home to give her to, she’s a beautiful 3 year old mini, She is friendly and interact well with people. For this reason we bought her as a family pets, whoever she is still a horse, and because of my Job as an FDNY firefighter I do not have the time to take proper care of her, having an Infant in the house is making it hard for my wife to give the proper attention Peggy needs…


Whoops! Sort of put all my chips in that Pirate Boat basket earlier today. Let me clarify. I need a pirate boat, but once I have a pirate boat I also need a miniature horse to keep me company in my pirate boat. Not sure horses can swim but I guess we’ll find out. Peggy making whatever Pres’s dumb horse is called look like a glue factory in waiting. Maybe I’ll change her name to Lil Nate Robinson and strap a dildo on her and pretend she’s a dude.



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