Do We Need To Start A "Get Big Cat This $79,000 Pirate Ship" Charity?

Built on 50′ 1988 Gibson houseboat. Brand new twin 454s, Kohler generator, V drives. Holds 30 people, looks like a Hollywood set! Great as a live aboard…and an AWESOME party boat! 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. Just surveyed for $110,00, will sell for $79,000 – trades considered.


I think people by now know that I’m an extremely simple man. I basically do the same thing every day. I wake up, I blog, I watch sports, I walk my dog, I gamble, and I go to bed. Besides an occasional handclaw or manhunt that’s it. Just about as average as a person can be. So when I say I would appreciate everyone pooling their money together so I can buy this Pirate Ship and live in it for the rest of my life you know I’m committed. It’s not like I’m the little kid latching on to the flavor of the week. This isn’t like when you ask your dad to sign you up for karate then a week later tell him you want to play hockey (guilty on that). I’m committed to this Pirate ship houseboat. I’ve actually never been more committed in my life. I’ll wear an eyepatch. I’ll carry a sword. I’ll drink Rum every single day, and when my current lifestyle inevitably leads to adult diabetes I will chop off my leg and get a wooden replacement. This isn’t, oh Big Cat wants a houseboat, this is Big Cat has been waiting his entire life to live in a Pirate Boat and now is the time everyone needs to sack up and help him fulfill his goals.


I mean let’s be honest, do people actually feel good giving money to charity? Maybe for a second right? Well guess what, I’ll live blog every waking hour of my Pirate Ship. Gift that keeps on giving. So let’s do this, and if you don’t contribute then I’ll just have to keep making T-Shirts. Yes that is a threat.


I’m pretty sure this guy has a family. Might be the most impressive thing I have ever seen.


Then again, what chick wouldn’t fuck a guy in a Pirate Ship right? Ultimate Pussy Magnet.



Double PS
In all honesty, we need to start hustling on this, would like to avoid hurricane season on my drive back to Chicago.


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