Naked Indianapolis Man With Super Human Strength Streaks Through State House, Tries To Rob Car, And Chokes An Energy Plant Employee With A Metal Pipe. Have A Day!

Hey Gilbert Sweazey, Andrew Siciliano called, he would like his ears back


(Source) A naked man who police say exhibited “extra human strength” led police on a chase for more than a mile as he attempted two carjackings, punched a police officer, was pepper-sprayed and then attacked a bystander with a metal pipe.

The Indy Star writes:

“He had a crazed look in his eyes,” said the 50-year-old Plainfield woman, who asked that her name not be used in a news story. “If he had been smiling or laughing or just seemed like your typical stupid drunk streaker, I’d have probably just said, ‘All right, dude. Party on.’ But it wasn’t like that. You could tell something was wrong. He looked like maybe he’d had some bad drugs or something. That’s why I called 911.”

It started outside the Indiana Statehouse, where cops spotted the naked man identified as Gilbert S. Sweazey, 36. Then the streaker took off for the Indiana Convention Center, through the halls and out the other side.

After that he tried to get himself a car, and he jumped into the passenger side of a pickup truck, but the driver fought him off. Police managed to catch up with Sweazey there, and that’s when Sweazey punched a cop and was pepper-sprayed in the face. No, no, it doesn’t end there.

“The suspect was sweating profusely and was able to pull away from us,” said one police officer.

Then Sweazey took off down an alley, tried unsuccessfully to steal an unoccupied box truck, then climbed a fence into a Citizens Energy Group plant. That’s where police found him choking a plant employee with a metal pipe and managed to apprehend him.


PCP is a hell of a drug. My question is what the fuck do you think the employee at the power plant thought? He’s literally minding his own business, hating his life, struggling through Monday when all of a sudden a naked sweaty man with super human strength and dumbo ears comes busting in the door trying to choke him out with a metal pipe. Of all the ways to go in life, that has to be the absolute worst right? I’d rather be lit on fire, drown, tortured, you name it I’d take it over some guy hugging me with his sweaty ballsack while he takes my breath away with a metal pipe.



Just saw this video of him. This is the guy? Really? That’s super human strength? He’s barely jogging. I guess when your entire state population is Obese, anyone with less than 20% body fat is considered Super Human.

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