The Conor McGregor Fight Made Me Wish I Was A Drunk Irishman

First things first. Anybody who was complaining about not getting their money’s worth with the Conor McGregor fight is a MORON. That 1 punch knockout was ELECTRIC. That’s exactly what you want when you buy a fight. You want something amazing to happen. Something that you’ll never forget. Who cares if the fight lasted 13 seconds? Who cares if you could watch it on twitter right after it happened? There is nothing that can replace seeing it live. There is nothing that can replace seeing Jose Aldo’s cut man’s reaction in real time.

Or MacGregor jumping on the ring apron and making it rain/giving everybody the bird.

That’s why I buy fights. That’s why I’ll be a fight fan till I die. For these moments. My only regret is that I’m not Irish. I mean I’m not sure there is anything better in life than supporting a fighter simply based on nationality. Doesn’t matter if he’s Irish, Mexican, Puerto Rican etc. That’s the best moment to be a fan. To be in a foreign country waving your colors, singing your songs and have your guy kick ass. It’s the pinnacle of sports life To be part of this Irish group going BANANAS in the MGM lobby after the fight. This was there moment. Drink and fight. That’s what the Irish do. What a day to be alive!

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