Hero Bears Fan Saves Indiana Town After Community Board Meeting Fist Fight


(Source) Punches were thrown Tuesday night during a community board meeting in Hymera, Indiana, over the firing of the town marshal. 

The fight erupted after members voted to replace the former town marshal of 15 years, Darrick Cullison. The motion to hire Daryl McCullough for the position in the small town with a population of about 800 passed 2-1.

Cullison attests he was wrongfully fired in October and is seeking his job back, as well as back pay, benefits and attorney fees, according to CBS affiliate WTHI. The town board says Cullison was dismissed because he worked fewer hours than he was paid for.

In the video captured during the meeting, two men are seen lunging at McCullough. Several people were hit in the face and upper body. It wasn’t immediately clear if anyone was injured.

Indiana State Police said Wednesday that no arrests have been made and the Indiana State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigations is now handling the case. After the incident, Cullison sent an email to a WTHI reporter that said simply, “I’m sorry.”




YES! I love a small town Indiana political fight. IU basketball is a joke, the Colts suck, or if you’re a Bears/Cubs fan in Indiana (many are) you’ve got the stress of years and years of punishment weighing down on you, and then of course just the simple fact that a sleepy Indiana town is always ready for a good old controversy. This is it. This is THE biggest thing to happen in Hymera since some dude stepped out on his wife in 2004 or when someone thought they saw John Cougar Mellencamp drive through town center back in 1996 (unconfirmed). People talked about this community board meeting for weeks in advance, oooh what’s going to happen, I heard Darrick (insane white hick spelling by the way) may start fighting people if he is officially replaced. Everyone grabbed their kids, no babysitters because the babysitters are there too, showed up early and then bam, FIREWORKS.



What a scene, and best of all. Our hero, the peacemaker, Bears fan swooping in and basically saving the town of Hymera. WHOA! Robbie Lange would be proud



I know you may think thats an exaggeration but it really isn’t. He single handedly saved this town. He put it on his back and stopped that fight and let cooler heads prevail. Now we sit for the next 20 years talking about the big brawl at the community rec center while warring factions give each other the stink eye every time they pass each other at the local hardware store or pub. God bless you Indiana, god bless your heart.





Love this part. Like MJ’s “I’m Back” press release. He definitely sent the email from the local computer in the exact community center that housed the fight but that doesn’t matter, it’s the thought that counts.



After the incident, Cullison sent an email to a WTHI reporter that said simply, “I’m sorry.”



Also dude in grey just cheap shotting the fuck out of this guy while Mark Mangino holds him down. Come on man, watch the tape, you’re going to be embarrassed


h/t bustedcoverage

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