Let's See Your Best TD Dance #ForThe Players

So as everybody knows we went to the Pats game on Sunday and had a big old tailgate. We had people doing TD dances left and right. It was all #ForThePlayers. Basically a way to say thank you for the guys who lay it all on the line every week for the fans. The guys who let us party and then argue with each other and make football the most popular sport in America.
We gave the best TD dances at the game a free Barstool shirt and we’re going to continue that trend to help raise awareness to the cause. I’m going to retweet the best 50 or so TD dances that people tweet over the next 24 hours and you’ll receive a free tshirt if I pick you.

This is all in the spirit of the movie Concussion (opening Dec 25) and as a show of solidarity with the players, The Concussion #ForThePlayers initiative is in conjunction with MomsTEAM Institute, a non-profit whose interests are in “protecting and safeguarding young athletes from injury and abuse by educating and implementing evidence based research.” We want to continue to build the momentum we created this weekend as a way to say thank you. So do your dance, use the #ForthePlayers and nominate 3 people to do it. And yes I’d retweet Nate’s dance 1,000 times. You can’t teach that type of shimmy or shake.

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