The Headline "RATINGS CRASH: LENA DUNHAM’S ‘GIRLS’ HITS ALL-TIME LOW" Brought The Biggest Smile To My Face


Breitbart - Lena Dunham’s serial self-inflicted credibility wounds appear to have gravely eroded even the small but fervently loyal following the “Girls” star and creator has enjoyed for the last few years. This past Sunday, the ratings for Dunham’s HBO show “Girls” bottomed out to a record low for the entire run of the series: “Girls,” which has already been renewed for a fifth season, drew a paltry 0.2 adults 18-49 rating with 406,000 viewers. As far as the initial broadcast goes, it was the least-watched “Girls” episode on record. The previous episode drew a 0.3 rating with 721,000 viewers. The piece linked above attempts to put part of the blame on the competing Grammy telecast, but last year the Grammys aired on Sunday, January 26, and on that same night “Girls” pulled 655,000 viewers, almost a quarter million more than this year. In the 18-49 demo, “Girls” pulled a 0.34 last year compared to the 0.2 this year.




This just made my day. Seeing her TV show go down in flames because even her most liberal, feminist, fat fangirls can’t stand her. She is the most unlikable person on the planet right now. Every time she opens her fat face and bullshit drivels out you just want to take a soldering iron to your ears. And oh yea, remember when she molested her little sister and then compared Bill Cosby to the Holocaust? One time she even went as far to say “if you’re not into me, that’s your problem”. Oh, is that so? So it’s the entire Universe that has a problem that we hate you, not that you are an unlikable, try-hard cow? I see.

And PS her tattoos are stupid. Roasted.

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