Awesome Couple Saves A Lost Puppy Whose Paws Were Frozen To The Ground In Their Backyard


GREENBRIER, Tenn. (WKRN) – A Greenbrier couple is credited with saving a puppy’s life Tuesday morning after they found the dog frozen to the ground.  April Dickerson told News 2 her husband was leaving for work Tuesday when he heard a dog whining in the back yard. The dog was found under a shed. Dickerson’s husband slowly melted the ice underneath the puppy to free her from frozen ground. She said the puppy is missing a small patch of fur on her hind end. “Well usually we find rabbits or moles. We’ve never found a puppy under there,” said Dickerson. The couple said the dog was extremely hungry and went straight for the food bowl when she was brought inside. Dickerson told News 2 people often drop animals off in her Robertson County neighborhood. “I would hope that someone would have to be in extremely dire straits before they decided to just drop the puppy off,” she told News 2. The Dickersons originally planned to find a good home for the puppy and adopt her out, but since the children are becoming attached, April said now she’s considering keeping the dog. While the puppy still doesn’t have a name, the family is leaning toward “Elsa” since she was found frozen. In case the puppy was just lost, the family is also prepared to give the puppy up to its rightful owner if one comes forward.


Awesome.  Bravo.  Just wanted to give these fine folks a quick shout out.  Did they do what every other person in the world would’ve done in this scenario?  Yeah I like to think so.  I mean come on, who would hear the whining of a puppy in their back yard and not go investigate?  Exactly.  And then find out that the little pup’s paws are frozen to the ice?  Fuck that ice.  Makes me want to go out side and start punching all of the ice and snow that’s piled up on my driveway.  The couple sounds like good peoples.  Brought the puppy in, got her all warmed up and fed her.  Might even keep her it sounds like if she doesn’t belong to any one.  Good looks all around.  Oh and potentially naming the dog Elsa is a nice touch.  Get it?  Because the dog was frozen to the ground?  Ahhhhh you get it.


h/t u

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