Should A Giants Fan Buying A 25-Cent Coffee Today Thanks To The Jets' Win Over Big Blue Be Considered Betrayal?

A very fair question from Mac Man. Now it may be the Irish Catholic half of me saying this, but there is NOOOO way you can get that coffee. We have to properly suffer through all aspects of this Giants loss together as a family. This is just like when Taco Bell gave away free A.M. Crunchwraps because Lorenzo Cain stole a base against a Mets in that disaster of a World Series. I didn’t go within 20 miles of a Taco Bell on principle that day. Buying a 25-cent coffee that was only possible because your team botched yet ANOTHER game this season is the same exact thing as buying an African diamond literally dripping in blood. Buying and drinking blood coffees are no bueno in my eyes (unless you pour the piping hot coffee over your face to recreate this Giants season. Then it’s fine with me).

That being said, while I blindly love you as a brother in Giants fandom Mike, I can see in your picture that you have a T-Mobile phone. A dirt-cheap coffee may be pretty important given your budget. So if you are going to get the coffee because of obvious financial hardships, I won’t blame you. Just don’t tell me that you did it and I will turn a blind eye to the matter entirely.

And yes, I know that the Dunkin Donuts in (Insert city outside of the Tri-State Area here) gives away free coffees after the local NFL team wins a game. I imagine this is because those areas have only one football team, while the Metropolitan area has two NFL teams, so the odds of a win are hypothetically doubled anywhere else (with a HEAVY emphasis on hypothetically since the Giants have forgotten how to finish games).

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