Unidentified MLB Player Asked For Permission To Used Banned Substance In Order To Treat Man Boobs

NYDailyNews- Ten big leaguers were busted for doping in 2015 — and another was worried about a different sort of bust.

An unnamed ballplayer is afflicted with gynecomastia, an affliction in which men develop breasts, sometimes as a side effect of hardcore steroid use. The player sought and received permission from Major League Baseball for treatment that may have included drugs that would be otherwise banned.

That therapeutic use exemption was one of 113 that the league granted, according to numbers published Tuesday by the league’s drug policy administrator. Of those, 111 permitted use of medications treating attention deficit disorder — meaning nearly one in 10 Major Leaguers suffers from ADD.


Okay, first let me get the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way.  In no way am I saying that Alex Rodriguez was the unnamed player with moobs from this article.  I did a quick Google Images search for “man boobs baseball” and that picture was the first useful picture I could find.  Would it make sense that ARod could be the player in question?  I suppose.  Hitting 33 home runs at the age of 39, his most since he was a 32-year-old in his prime seems suspect.  Plus he would be vain enough to actually search for treatment.

Regardless of who it was, these players should just be proud of who they are like my boy Bartolo.  Has he been linked to questionable blood-spinning techniques in the past?  Sure.  But he isn’t looking for treatment to make his body look better.  Just loud and proud with that gut.  God I love Bartolo Colon.  I don’t think I can handle him leaving the Mets this winter, despite the team having the best young rotation in baseball.



P.S. If I had a gun to my head and had to pick which baseball player asked to use a banned substance to treat moobs, I would pick ARod 100 times out of 100.

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