The State of Maryland Is Considering Putting Slot Machines Into BWI Airport And We All Should Be Behind This


(NBC) – Maryland is considering a plan to open a small casino inside Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. The state legislature will debate a plan to allow 3,000 slot machines inside the airport. The machines would be placed in a casino-style room, beyond security at the airport, so only ticketed passengers would be allowed to play, which would prevent competition with nearby Horseshoe casino and Maryland Live! The new legislation would set up a referendum for voters to give the new slots final approval.


Every so often you hear whispers in dark alleys and Internet back rooms about this. Slots in the airport. You have to be a madman not to put all your weight behind this. I’m talking Million Man March style. Fuck every other piece of legislation and move this one to the top. Kids don’t need new school books, every airport, not just BWI, needs a casino. Flying sucks enough as it is. You need some sort of hope, some sort of prayer, before getting on that metal tube of death. Imagine you’re flying over to China- you have a 50% chance of getting there safely at this point. You surely can’t take your life savings with you. Airport casino, step right up and take that money.

I don’t know why they stop at slots though. Never understood why the airport doesn’t have a few roulette wheels at every gate and a craps table outside of every Auntie Annes. Can you imagine that 1-2 punch? Miserable as fuck at an airport, then BOOM! A Cinnabon in one hand, dice in the other. Flying will be revolutionized. And most of all, people would look forward to going to Baltimore.

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