There's No Other Way To Put It, Kobe Took A Big Shit On My Face Tonight

Well what can I say? Kobe had the best night of the season right there in my face. Right in my backyard, with me in attendance in my all you can eat and all you can drink suite. He pulled down his shorts and took a big fat steamy one on my face and walked out a winner. I tip my cap. He came up huge when he needed to. I was so ready for him to shoot airball after airball and he shot reasonably well, going 4/11 from 3. He took some awful…and I mean awful shots, but 31 points and the win is 31 points and the win. I guess he was due for some shots to fall, and he did it right here in DC.

John Wall did all he could do, putting up 34-11-7 on 11/19 shooting. Another great game for JWall, but he can’t do it all himself out there. Otto was bad, our bigs couldn’t grab boards (the Lakers had 16 offensive rebounds, woof), and Beal started taking long 2’s with little success. All in all, just a bummer of a game.

I will say though as much as I rag on Kobe, and rightfully so because he’s terrible this year and taking ridiculously wild shots and hurting his team more than he’s helping, as a sports fan it was cool to see him nail some 4th quarter 3’s and have a good game in person. Wish the Wizards pulled it out in the end obviously, but again, it was cool to see Kobe do vintage things.

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