John Scott, Yes That John Scott, Is Currently #1 In NHL All Star Game Fan Voting


Okay so one of these things is not like the others. Let’s see… we have the best Russian goal scorer in NHL history with Alex Ovechkin. Seems like the type of guy who deserves to be in the 2015-16 NHL All Star Game. We have the player who is currently on the longest point-scoring streak out of any American born player with Patrick Kane. Seems like the type of guy who deserves to be in the 2015-16 NHL All Star Game. We have the biggest legend who is currently still playing in the league and one of the best to ever play of all time with Jaromir Jagr. Seems like the type of guy who deserves to be in the 2015-16 NHL All Star Game. We have the best scoring tandem in the league over the past 2 seasons with Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn. Seem like the type of guys who deserves to be in the 2015-16 NHL All Star Game. And who is ahead of all of those players on the NHL ASG Fan Voting leaderboard? None other than John Scott. Yes, that John Scott. THIS John Scott.

Okay so let me just start off by saying this. Yes, it would be hilarious to see John Scott playing in the 3-on-3 All Star Game trying to play with some of the best players in the entire world. Yes, it would be hilarious to see John Scott in the skills competition when the man has quite literally zero skill set whatsoever. Yes, I understand that the All Star Game is just some meaningless exhibition game that nobody really cares about anymore, especially not the players. But what the fuck, man? This can’t be for real. This is like Donald Trump running for President. It’s all fun and games until it actually happens. The NHL finally got the ASG right by moving it to a 3-on-3 tournament format and this is the thanks that they get? A goon who looks like he walks around the parking lot before every game without any skateguards on his blades leading the way in fan voting? For the love of god, please no.

Like I said, I’m all in for the funny laughs. But those will last like what? Maybe 2 or 3 shifts? After that everyone will be over it and realize that the joke isn’t that funny anymore.

While we’re on the topic of the All Star Game, I’d really appreciate if the jerseys didn’t suck ass this year. Give me a throwback. No more of that chrome bullshit. Here’s my personal Top 5.

5. 1973-1981

4. 1992

3. 1989-1993

2. 1994-1997

1. 1964-1972



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