Dave Dombrowski Gets His Man: David Price Is Coming To Boston

What did I say? I’m not gloating, but what did I say? Did I not say that we would win that shit?

His name is David Price, and he’s the reason why nobody will be asking who the ace is in Boston anymore. I want you to remember this day, because today is the day that three last place finishes in four seasons became an afterthought. Today is the day that the Red Sox acquired a franchise-altering starting pitcher in their prime for the first time since November 18, 1997 when Pedro Martinez came to town.

Seven years and $217 million brings the Cy Young runner-up to Boston, and just like that, the Red Sox once again became a serious threat to get back to the World Series. Now, there will be several debates that break out now that Price is here. First, the “that’s way too much money!” crowd needs to get with the times. The business of baseball is changing, and $30 million is the new $20 million. According to FanGraphs, Price was worth $51.2 million in 2015, $46.1 million in 2014, $32.8 million in 2013, and $32.8 million in 2012.

No, there isn’t a human being who performs a physical task on earth who’s “worth” that kind of money. But if we’re talking about converting statistical performance to actual dollar worth, then yes, Price is worth what he just got from the Red Sox and then some. I never understood the fan outrage over saving team owners’ money. The need this offseason was pitching, and they just spent a boatload of money to acquire the best available option on the market, and it wasn’t even close. Not only that, but the deal has an opt-out clause after three years. Realistically, and I can totally see this happening, you have Price in Boston for his age-30, 31 and 32 seasons, get a great return on your investment, he opts out and becomes a free agent again at 33, and some other team pays him for his over the hill years. No harm, no foul.

When it comes to the postseason numbers argument, I’ve tackled that many times since the offseason started. You can hear me rant on that subject in the audio clip below, as well as the whole David Ortiz feud meaning absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I’ve also seen some fans complaining that Boston wasn’t his first choice, like that will matter once he takes the mound in a Red Sox uniform, since that’s what he ultimately decided. If you recall, prior to being traded to the Red Sox in 2004, Curt Schilling was only willing to waive his no-trade clause for the Phillies or the Yankees. I think it’s fair to say that bringing Schilling on board, despite his previous preferences, ended up working out in the long run for the Red Sox.

And say Price doesn’t opt out after year-three, and he decides to stay in Boston for the length of his seven-year deal. Oh no! Or is that not a bad thing at all? I made the point today that fans are acting like Price will be elderly by the end of his contract. In year-five, he’ll only be 34, the same age that John Lackey was in 2013, while Schilling was 37 in 2004. Price’s deal will be up after his age-36 season. If you have any other issues with the Red Sox bringing Price to Boston, I assure you that I address them in the article I linked up top or the audio embedded down below. He doesn’t cost a draft pick, his numbers at Fenway Park are phenomenal, Hall of Fame pitchers have been in the exact same position before in regards to poor postseason performance and rebounded beautifully, he’s dominated in the American League East before, he’s a fierce competitor, has virtually no injury history, and his teammates all rave about how great of a teammate he is. Any questions?

Welcome to Boston, David. Gold Bottles.

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