Tiger Just Gave A Super Depressing Press Conference But Nailed This Joke



So 400th-ranked golfer Tiger Woods just finished up his press conference at the Hero World Challenge.  How would I describe it in one word? Depressing as fuck. That sums it up. Some of the lowlights: Tiger said that he hasn’t hit a golf ball in two months, he’s had threes surgeries in the same place to try and fix his back problem, all he can do is walk, he can’t play soccer with his kids, he hasn’t started rehab and he has no timetable for his return. Good times!  Listen, I’ve watched a lot of Tiger press conferences over the years and that was by far the most depressing. Not even close. Dude doesn’t know what’s going on with his body. Every question asked about his health he honestly didn’t have an answer for. He basically threw up his arms and said, “My body really sucks now. Even worse than before. It’s unpredictable. I’m old. Thems is the breaks.” Never has Tiger’s career ever been more in doubt. But even with all that said, he absolutely nailed that hair joke. Still got it.


Anybody have access to one of those Men In Black memory eraser things? Because out of everything he said today I want to forget this the most








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