Octopus Leaps Out From The Depths Of Hell (The Water) And Drags A Poor Crab To An Underwater Grave



NOPE.  NOPE.  NOPE.  I was not prepared for that at all.  I thought I was gonna be prepared but I wasn’t.  “Oh, an octopus is gonna attack a crab?  That sounds terrifying but let’s do it.  As long as I know what’s gonna happen I should be good.  Let’s gOH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD”  That’s what just happened in my living room.  Pure fear on my part.  How am I supposed to carry on with my day after seeing that shit?  I might just kill myself.  Not even kidding.  Bid myself adieu and try my luck on the other side.  There’s no turning back now.  Fucking A dude.  And how is the lady with the camera gonna be yelling about how she caught it on camera and sounds super excited about it?  That’s like watching the video from The Ring.  The only thing she should be yelling is, “RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIVES.  PROTECT THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST!”  Maybe the scariest video ever.  Fuck that.  All of it.


h/t matt

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