Good To Know The Scariest Person Alive Lives In Lake Villa


(Source) Bail was set at $1 million today for a Lake Villa man who police said attempted on Wednesday to abduct four Beach Park girls, ages 4 to 8.

Henry Wright, 29, of the 25000 Block of Arcade Drive, approached the girls at about 5 p.m. and asked them if they wanted a ride, police said. The children said they did not want a ride and ran away from him.

One of the girls told her mother, who provided the license plate number for Wright’s black 2010 Toyota Camry to the Lake County Sheriff’s office.

During the search for Wright, the Lake County Sheriff’s office received a report of a hit-and-run accident at Wadsworth and Delany roads that involving Wright’s vehicle. Waukegan police located the vehicle at Yorkhouse and Delany roads, and Wright was turned over to Lake County Sheriff’s deputies.

Wright was charged with four counts of attempted aggravated kidnapping and four counts of child abduction.

He was also issued traffic citations for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, failure to give aid or information, and no insurance, police said.

I don’t really even have a point to this blog, just wanted to let everyone in Chicago know that the scariest person alive, you know the one that tries to abduct little girls and takes mugshot photos that will haunt your dreams forever and always, yeah he’s been arrested. And lets hope he doesn’t have 1 million dollars on hand because then I’m never leaving my house ever again.


Shocked this guy was cited for not having insurance, totally seems like someone that would have all their documents in order.


Double PS
Thank fucking god he was driving a Camry. Dodged a bullet on that one.


h/t Jonathan

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