Only Thing That Stops This Baby From Crying Is The Soothing Sounds Of "I'm In Love With The CoCo"


First of all, and I’m sure I’ve said it before, but the sound of a baby crying makes me wanna kill somebody.  I feel like Step One of thinking about having kids starts with, “Does the sound of a baby balling make you want you jump out that window?” and answering “Yes” isn’t a great start.  I could barely watch that video.  Second, I feel like some PC people are gonna talk shit about this because the person shouldn’t be letting their little baby listen to music like that.  Fuuuuuuck that and fuck those people.  You do whatever you have to do to make that baby stop crying.  I don’t care if it’s a song about a guy selling cocaine. Doesn’t matter.  It could be the sound of a running chainsaw that makes the kid stop crying.  Super dangerous to have a running chainsaw around a baby?  Yep sure is but if it works that’s all that matters. Not to mention that “I’m in love with the coco” song sucks really bad but I’ll be damned if it isn’t catchy as shit.  Do your thing little baby.  Just for the love of god stop crying.

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