Iowa Blows The Doors Off Marquette as Iowa Continues To Be Good At Everything At The Moment

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picture via the gazette

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What a time to be alive if you’re an Iowa Hawkeye fan.  Everybody is undefeated.  The football team is undefeated (10-0), the basketball team is undefeated (3-0) and the wrestling team is undefeated (1-0).  I don’t even totally remember what losing feels like. It’s like some abstract idea that I can’t quite grasp.  I know what winning feels like because there’s been so damn much of it. It continued last night as Fran McCaffery and the Hawks went on the road to take on Marquette and blew the doors off of them.  It was never close.  Iowa played as close to a perfect first half as you can and maintained from there.


I don’t have a feel for this basketball team yet. There were big losses when Aaron White and Gabe Olaseni graduated last year. Both of those guys were a big reason (especially White) that the Hawkeyes made a little bit of a run in the tournament.  With them gone it’s now up to guys like Jarrod Uthoff (CR stand the fuck up), Adam Woodbury (eye poking joke LOL) and Peter Jok. They were all in double figures last night and Jok had a game high 20 points. That’s exactly what this team needs. Anthony Clemmons played one of the better games of his career last night so that helped. He’ll be a big factor as the 2 guard/other point guard. I’m also excited to watch guys like Dom Uhl and Brady Ellingson get more run. It’s an experienced starting line up that’ll have much less experienced guys coming off the bench.  The X-factor for me though? Senior point guard Mike Gesell.  I love this guy. He’s been a solid player his whole career at Iowa but this is the year he needs to really step up. As he goes, the team goes. When he’s aggressive this team has a chance to do some damage in the B1G and beyond. I’m excited to watch this team. Ya know, after the football team wins the national championship.



Anyway, if you’re an Iowa Hawkeye fan, soak up what is going on right now. All our teams are winning and people who normally don’t talk about us are talking. It’s a fun time right now. Who knows how long it’ll last.

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