Big Ass Sink Hole Just Opened Up, Eating A Car With a Family Inside


Fox DC - A water main break in Bladensburg, Maryland caused a sinkhole that swallowed a vehicle Tuesday morning, and residents scrambled to keep water out of their homes. The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission has crews at the scene, which is located in a residential area at Edmonston Road and Tilden Road in Bladensburg. The sinkhole swallowed a Honda Accord, and FOX 5’s Maureen Umeh reports there was a family inside of the car, but they managed to get out safely.



They’re baaaaack. Just when you though sink holes were done terrorizing, one pops up in Maryland goes after a family. These things are the devil. So unpredictable, so malicious. Just so we understand: Weatherman predicts 2 feet of snow in NYC, they get a dusting. Family tries to take kids to school, they fall into a hole the size of Jupiter. Thank goodness that family weren’t wearing their seat belts. Looks like none of us should wear ours anymore- you never know when a death-seeking sink hole is going to open up under your car and you have to make a daring escape or drown to death. Fucking terrifying. Earth just lets out a big yawn and you fall into an endless abyss without a second of warning. That’s why I haven’t been outside since Saturday. Too dangerous. I’ll see the sun again around Memorial Day.

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