How Weird Was Lady Gaga Talking Shit To Ronda Rousey?

So this is pretty fuckin weird huh? Didn’t have Lady Gaga pegged as a big time UFC fan. Didn’t have Gaga pegged as a sports fan in general. I thought she pretty much just sat alone in dark rooms wearing weird costumes struggling with her sexuality writing songs about being a famous vegan or something.

But thats when I remembered that before she was Lady Gaga she was Stefani Germanotta from Yonkers

And that, my friends, is no doubt a chick who’s thrown down with a bitch or 12 in her life. Gaga may just be a weirdo singer now but you cant escape your roots. And deep down she likes to beat a bitch’s ass.

Also kinda surprised she’s all about sportsmanship and shit too. If Gaga was in the WWF I would picture her as the type to give you a low blow when the ref’s back was turned. Just some trifling bougie bitch on her high horse who doesnt give a fuck about her opponent. But I guess not. Lesson learned. If you’re ever in a fight with Lady Gaga touch gloves first and keep it clean.

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