Bet You've Never Seen A Little Asian Boy Ignite Fireworks Off His Nipples

FIRE TITTIES! Oh you crazy Asains. Anything for a lark. Like I really, really hope we never have to go to war against China or any other one of those countries where we’re outnumbered by a billion people who can’t drive but do amazing things with drycleaning. Freaking people are the wildcards of humanity. This guy’s just lucky the fire on his torso didn’t have to be put out via bukakke. Still wouldn’t have been surprised if it happened.

Other than the hand, the nipples are probably the third worst body part to ignite an explosive around. The second? Easily the dick, which has sadly been done before.

We should give these young whippersnappers the benefit of the doubt. They’re just a couple of boys being bo…nope. These uber bros are no younger than 30 and are wearing nail polish while jamming out to Christina Aguilera. Looks like we’ve stumbled in on a good ol’ fashioned sausage fest! And all that is going down before the one dude decides to make his crotch Cape Canaveral. Having balls that resemble Harvey Dent’s face is the least of this guy’s worries.

His dick’s on fire and he still manages to jump into the pool head first 1000x better than I can dive normally. Not happy about it.

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