Gotta Catch 'Em All. It's The Top P-hub Comments Of The Week

If it’s Friday, it’s Top Pornhub Comments of the Week. A time that we can all come together and realize that we all actually have our shit relatively together. Because things could be much much worse. We could be commenting on internet porn, and there’s really no coming back from that. So without further ado, here’s the most bizarre shit those freakbodies had to offer for this week.

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And now I’l never be able to play Pokemon the same way ever again. For what it’s worth, Pokemon blue was the best out of all the games. Pokemon yellow was pretty sweet too because you could make Pikachu your bitch. If you didn’t start with either Squirtle or Charmander, then I don’t even want to know you. Bulbasaur kids are mouth breathers and same thing goes for people who didn’t name your enemy something like “Asshole”. Those are your Pokemon Hot Takes for the day.

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Always nice to see when Big Cat mingles with the common folk in the Pornhub comment section.

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Never before could I actually feel a commenter’s depression coming through the screen. 29Maleuk may not even make it to Thanksgiving.

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Not here for the comment but that username and avatar is just next level bizarro. Girls don’t fart and girls don’t poop. Everybody knows that.

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Classic dirtball comment here. If you’ve ever thought about licking up the set of a porn shoot, you should be sterilized on site.

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So here’s the 2nd video from our good friend Miss Teen Colorado. I just tried to pick the weirdest comment on that video but this is really just here for the link. You’re welcome.

There were for sure more Darude – Sandstorm comments scattered throughout the comments this week that I just didn’t screen shot but I guess I’ll give the people what they want.


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Real or not (definitely not), this is just a fucking weird ass thought for anyone to ever have in their brain. Like I know we all have weird thoughts at some point that make us question why the hell we even thought it in the first place, but this takes it to another level. FUHHHREAK.

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And that ends this week in freaks. I’ll be honest, it wasn’t a great showing from the comment section this week. Everyone is allowed to have an off week here or there but let’s hope that this doesn’t become a pattern. Hopefully they realize how weak they brought it this week and come back tenfold for next. So if you come across any great comments throughout your travels to Pornhub this week, send them on in to @BarstoolJordie on Twitter. My DM’s are open, if you know what I mean. Hope all you perverts have a great weekend. Stay sexy out there.

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